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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Deathrock Baking : Pumpkin Cupcakes

I did some baking for my husband's birthday and he requested something that would fit with his Weight Watchers diet. I have to admit I was sort of shocked and proud that when I offered to make his favorite, Shoo-fly Pie, he passed! I knew with my super wife-y powers I needed to whip up something delicious and full of flavor. I turned to my favorite food blog, Skinny Taste and tried her Pumpkin Cupcakes with Pumpkin Spiced Cream Cheese Frosting recipe. Pumpkin cupcakes in February?! Silly, "Everyday is Halloween"!

Got my ingredients ready!
Wearing my cupcake apron 

I'm calling this blog "Deathrock Baking" as I was listening to Christian Death while I baked and laughing to myself while I wore my cute and colorful cupcake apron. Hey! Even us 'dark clad creatures of the night' need a cheery apron. *Wink* I was also imagining myself trying to bake with my mohawk in my face, hrrmmm...perhaps I could get my own cable access show?! 

Fresh from the oven
After dancing in the living for 20 minutes, the cupcakes were done! I did let them cool down like a good girl, but the pumpkin spice smell taunted me the whole time. Mmmmmmm! The reason why I love this recipe is that there are no eggs or oil used, I know, I was a little shocked too. They came out moist and fluffy, perfect! These cupcakes taste delicious alone, but with the pumpkin spice cream cheese frosting they are sinfully good. Don't fret my pets, they are only 3 points a piece on Weight Watchers and would be awesome if you're giving Bat Fit a try.

The husband was happy (and so were the guys at the [tattoo] shop) and I have another recipe to add to my growing list of healthy and tasty eats. Yahoooooo!

Do you have any healthy baking tips or recipes to share with the deathrock baker? Hahahaha!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. WOW! No eggs or oil? I'm interested! I'm going to head right over to her blog and look for that recipe. YUM! I LOVE pumpkin spice cupcakes, and yes! it's Halloween everyday. WAHOO! I just wish the stores understood that too. ;)

    1. I was all ready to follow the cake mix directions and I'm glad I read her instructions more carefully, no oil or eggs! :)
      Her blog is a-mazing and I'm sure you'll find more delicious treats and recipes to try that surely do not lack taste!

      Oh my dear, I couldn't agree more! Could you imagine finding cute little bat things all year round? My wallet is starting to cry already!

  2. My mother in law has done Weight Watchers for years and when I was doing it she gave me a recipe. Mix one box of cake mix with one diet coke (or dr. pepper). That's it. Cook for 20 minutes. Supposed to be only one point per serving b/c the diet coke is free. I made it once and it turned out pretty good. I'm not a cake eater so I never experimented any further.


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