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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Yippie! I Got a Camera Remote!

Yippie! I finally found a camera remote that works with my older model camera! I also got some lighting, so I'm still working out the settings and thus these photos are on the lighter side. But who cares! I don't have to run back and forth any more!

I was having a little too much fun.

Wearing my new burgundy suede buckle boots for the first time. They happen to match my ruffled bug brooch.

Ruffles, lace and brocade, oh my!

Haha! Thank you for letting me share my first "remote control" blog with you.
Ohhh, does anyone remember that MTV game show?

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Those leggings are to die for - to cute!

  2. Super cute lace skirt and I'm so jealous of your remote!!

    1. Thank you! The lace skirt=the same lace dress I wear all the time (Shhhhh! ;) )

  3. Very cute outfit! I need to get a remote too. :)

    1. It really is a very helpful tool, I picked mine up via eBay.

  4. I need a better camera with a remote. My hubby takes my pics but we use the camera on our Smartphones. I love this outfit, especially the leggings.

    1. I believe they make remotes for iPhones (which I have Android)

  5. Whee, congrats on the new remote :-D must be much easier this way?

  6. You look cute! And the boots are perfect, love them!

  7. these photos are fantastic! you look so comfortable and natural. I always wanted a remote control for my camera, but alas, my DSLR is dead for good.

  8. I love that jacket so much, I had a wonderful velvet one with a ruffle like that, but it got too small! :'(

  9. Love the lighting in your pics! And yay for camera remote! I didn't even know this was a thing!


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