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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Great Brow Debate

Natural, thick, thin, shaved, drawn on, etc. I'm talking about eyebrows. People seem to love to discuss eyebrows, as there are many tips and tricks, products to use and advice on how to pluck, wax, sugar your brows. I honestly can't remember a time before the late 00's when eyebrows were such a hot topic! 

Meagan, why are you boring us this? Well, my dear readers I am curious about the sudden brow debates and people putting in their two cents, especially about those of us who 'enhance' our brows. I was reading a friend's comment that said, "This girl would have been really cute, but I don't know why she does THAT to her eyebrows!". Grant it, it's a personal choice to find another person attractive, just as much as it's that person's choice to do whatever they want to their face. 

Mind you, I'm not trying to BROW beat you with this topic! *Badumching* (sorry I had to)

No-brow party!

There is a reason why I fill in my brows, I am a natural blonde who over plucked in the 90s/early 00's and all I'm left with are little stumps and no tails for eyebrows and a unibrow if I don't pluck. I've done it all; plucked, used wax strips, sugared, shaved, phew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. If I don't fill in my eyebrows, I tend to look a little odd, which I never noticed until a friend suggested it while getting my photograph taken. I never realized how much it changed my face and thus my experimentation with the brow powders, pencils, waxes, etc. started. 

Natural - Thin, but filled-in - Almost non-existent

My routine with my brows has changed drastically and I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to filling them in, especially getting the tail drawn on evenly. I use a brown water-proof gel liner by Rimmel and I line the top and bottom of the brow and fill in with a brown powders with an angled brush. My routine is much like the photo below.

Not shown is lots of blending, dropping my brushes and I usually make a giant mess. My brows are not perfect, but neither am I. (And if my brows offend you, it's okay they are just judging you anyways...I kid! I kid!)

So, what do you prefer for your own eyebrows? Do you have any tips and/or tricks to share? Are you brow obsessed? 

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Awesome post lady - thanks!!!!! I have never over plucked my brow but as I age they are turning a beautiful silver color to match my hair - they also get long and curly and oh so out of control. So this is a great way to give them song definition and color. Thanks for the brow beating.

    1. Mine get long as well, so I take a little brush and brush them in the direction I like them to go and trim with little scissors. It helps keep them in order!!!

  2. The whole world really is obsessed with eyebrows at the moment it seems! I have seen articles and comparisons of celebrity brow styles championing the trendy large eyebrows, when a few years back they were comparing and mocking large brows in favour of thin ones! Fashions are ever changing I suppose. Personally I like mine thin and inconspicuous. But lots of styles suit different people so I'd rather not take sides (especially as my two never look the same...ha!) But I pluck a little every day so it's never a big job.

    1. This is true, fashion is forever changing, brows included!!!

  3. When I first started out in the goth scene, I shaved my brows. I had a horrible time penciling them in. I got friends to help me. That look never suited me at all. I love the way you do your brows by the way. I now just pluck and re-pencil them in. I have blonde hair so I need to pencil them black! I tried all sorts of looks but perhaps the way my face is shaped, not all of them suit me! I think it is stylish now to enhance your brows. I saw this girl the other day where her brows went down practically to her ears. not very classy.

    1. I never shaved mine off due to not having the confidence or patience to draw them on everyday. I have a lot of girlfriend's who have shaved brows and they always look great!

    2. Yes I have friwnds who have shaved brows and it looks great on them too! I am so envious!

  4. i think all those eyebrows looked good on you though... and well, mine are natural atm but with me wanting to dye my hair orange later this month i more and more thinking about completely plucing again since i really preferred that on myself and hopefully my new work will be fine with that *lol*

    1. Thank you! Good luck with your brow transformation!! =D

  5. As a fellow natural blonde I too have rubbish, sparse eyebrows. I got mine tattooed on nine years ago and never looked back! x

    1. I have contemplated getting them tattooed on, but Derek will not do it, so maybe in the future! My mother in law had hers tattooed and she said it made her life so much easier!

  6. I'm always a little jealous of ppl with blonde hair bec. they seem to have more brow options. I have almost naturally black hair -- my body hair IS black and VERY thick, and my brows are MASSIVE. Like, Leonid Brezhnev. But they don't go unibrow, just bushy. And at the same time, I'm crap at plucking them. So I have to get them done, which is a bother & an expense. Yet if I let them go natural, well, it's weird. UGH. Brows!

    1. My sister in law also has to get hers done or she would look like my husband (they all have fierce Viking brows, hehehe!).

  7. lol I actually have a book dedicated to eyebrow makeup (I think it's the only one). I never wax or pluck...I shape them with a straight razor. It's easy, quick, painless and the lines are always, well, straight.

    1. I never thought of using a straight razor to shape my brows! I have little ones that I use to get rid of the loose hairs where my tails should be. You're giving me ideas.....

  8. I love big eyebrows! Wish mine were as big as they used to be, but I sort of over-plucked/waxed when I was younger. My mom had hers brows tattooed on and they look AMAZING. Like, I never thought they would and they do... Even seriously up close!

  9. I pluck mine into a nice shape but I swoon over drawn-on brows. I might get up the courage to shave mine off one of these days (hey, I shaved the sides of my head!), we'll see!

  10. I am jealous of people that can draw on eyebrows well, I definitely can't, which is why it is really good mine grew back after that time I overplucked!

    I personally sometimes want to get my tweezers and tweeze off stray eyebrow hairs and monobrows ha ha! I like thin dramatic brows on everyone!

  11. OMG I love this post. I don't have blonde hair, but for some reason my brows are way light, so I've always dealt with this by shaving off anything after the initial arch and drawing the rest in.

    One time as a purple-hair in college, I got pissed and shaved my brows ("take that, world!") and then had to skulk browless and hiding in my hoodie at 2a to get beer before the convenience mart closed. I had a realization that maybe the cashierguy was giving me side eye was because I looked like an alien.

    And to this day, I worry every time I see one of those stupid Buzzfeed "You won't believe their brows!" thingys, convinced I will end up in the company of...welll....


  12. I think a wide range of eyebrow shapes and styles can be attractive. I don't use any kind of makeup or filler on my brows because they are naturally thick and dark. Instead, I trim and pluck and brush them into submission. They end up looking something like the "Attractive Thick." I had no idea it had a name. ;)

    The one tip I have is to try plucking first thing in the morning. I've found that if I pluck right after showering or washing my face, the hairs tend to stretch or break. And if I pluck after applying moisturizer, the hairs are too slippery to grip. But no matter what time it is, plucking my brows usually makes me sneeze. :P

  13. Most of my life I always plucked my eyebrows to get the desired shape. Then came the shaving and bleaching rage, back when I went to shows more often. I could do all sorts of make up looks, it was easy. Now-a-days I fill them in changing the colours or the shapes; most recently (last 3 months) I've started letting them grow even more. Perhaps I'm going for a fuller 80's "natural" brow?

    In conclusion: my mood dictates my make up most of the time, so who knows what I'll be doing next? *x-files intro music* :D

  14. My inner brows are mine, but the tails.... well, they're just not there. I bleach the stuff that's there, dye it to match whatever color my hair is, and then have a four-product routine to make them look presentable. A light brow marker to sketch the tails (easier to erase than pencil if I screw them up), a taupe pencil to go over the sketched lines, a lighter colored eyeshadow to fill in the real parts, and a darker one to go over the penciled tails. I raise and lower the tails depending on how much nonsense I plan to tolerate during my day. I can go anywhere from "exotic natural" to "sophisticated thin" to "are you cosplaying Ursula the Sea Witch?"

    I use my eyebrows as a sort of oracle, too. If I can get them sketched on symmetrically on the first try, I know it's gonna be a good day.

  15. Great post! I haven't tried it yet but I love the look of eyebrows filled in!


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