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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A New Favorite Dress

I picked up this dress last week while thrift shopping for $2.50. Seeing as I'm a sucker for 'shapeless black things', collars and anything that reminds me of a nun, this dress came home with me. I love the fit of this vintage frock, but the material is super wrinkley even after I gave it a good ironing. 

Sorry to all the faded hair fans, but my mop got purpled this morning. Though I do like the grey-lavender on others, it's just too light for my liking as I like the more intense violet on myself. It just feels more 'me'. I'm also surprised every time I re-color my hair as to how much my sides have grown in from the mohawk, they have become nice full layers. Yay!

Wrinkle, wrinkle. Oh well. 

Like many Tuesday's, today was filled with grocery shopping, cleaning and doing a little treasure hunting. Now I'm going to crack open some clearance wine while I wait for dinner to finish baking.

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. oh gosh! lolita wednesday! <3

  2. I am so jealous! I want your dress! I have been searching for one! You are so lucky you got it thrifted for $2.50, what a great find!

  3. You look great, very Wednesday Addams! Your hair is looking great!

  4. It reminds me of an altar server gown, and I mean that in the best way possible! It's cute, and it suits you.

  5. Wow, I love this dress and look! Very goth choirboy!

  6. I love this dress! It's so cute on you and I love the way you describe it hehe ;) I also love the new hair color but I am a firm believer that you would look great in any hair color <3


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