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Saturday, March 21, 2015

What Inspires You?

Photo I took while visiting the Basilica in Buffalo, NY. 
Such a beautiful place.

I've been pondering about inspiration to keep the winter doldrums* away. Pondering what it is to be inspired and what makes up parts of who I am and what I like. I'm not looking to "find myself", just more of an exercise to remind myself that falling into a place of idleness often leads myself into a place of...well, getting a case of the meh's. Haha! 

Since I'm mostly a fashion focused blog, I often don't discuss other avenues of inspiration. I have talked here and there of my interests, so now when I'm feeling a bit disheartened at this time of the year, it is a great time to share.

I don't think this comes too much of a surprise since I was sharing music on Thursdays. I am constantly listening to music, reading about music history and discovering new bands (or old bands that are new to me), or talking about music. I have my brother to thank for my love of various styles of music. With him being almost 10 years older than me and being a teenager in the 80s/90s, he introduced me to everything from; very early techno to new wave to hair metal and rap. I used to steal his cassette tapes all the time and just the other day he said, "I want my Depeche Mode tapes back". Those are long gone dear brother. Long gone.

I joke that it is the one thing I'm really good at, dancing. I love to dance and often dance all other the place. That is the one thing that I truly lose myself  into. I can get on the dance floor without caring who is watching or what my problems may be, I just move to the music. Yeah, it may seem corny, but it's always been therapeutic and I have to admit that is one thing I miss about being a club regular. 

My love of dance came from my Father. He put me into dance lessons at 4 years old as he is a dancer himself. I still remember the first time I saw my parents jitterbug at my Aunt Theresa's wedding. I was 7 and stood at the end of the dance floor with my mouth wide open. I had NEVER seen anyone dance like my parents, let alone seen my parent's move like that! My parents met at a nightclub, so naturally they both enjoy dancing together...even though my Mom gets annoyed since my Dad is a bit of a show-off. Haha!!!

Life, Death and Religion
Yep. I talk a lot, but I'm also very observant. I think it's due to all those years being so painfully shy and quiet that I like to observe people and are fascinated by their lives, thoughts and behaviors. This also includes my deep interest in the Victorians and how they lived, died and how they mourned (Memento Mori). Death and life go hand in hand and it inspires a lot of my thoughts, interests and inspires me. I am also a student of religion, not necessarily directed at one particular decree and/or label, but I have chosen my path based on my studies and from life experiences. If you had to twist my arm I would have called myself a Thelemite at one time, but now I would just consider myself a Pagan. I try to lead myself down a path of self learning in which I don't lean too far to the white or black, but try to live in balance between the two.  

These are just a few things that inspire me, so tell me, what inspires you? 

XOXO-Meagan Kyla

*I wrote this blog post weeks ago 


  1. This was a really interesting (and inspiring!) post. :) You told some cool things about yourself and that photo you've taken in NY is gorgeous. You asking from your readers what inspires them made me realize that I do not know. And that startled me a bit! I guess I am starting to get stressed again and forget to enjoy life. This was a great wake-up call! ^_^

    1. Stress is a inspiration and energy sucker, I hope you can take a breathe and step back. XOXO

  2. I love this post. It was very interesting. I too took dance lessons at a young age and did them for many years. I used to want to be a professional ballet dancer.

    1. I took ballet was well! I always loved tap, I think it was my shy kid way of making some noise ;)

  3. Being Pagan inspires me too, believing in magic helps me deal with the bad stuff in life.

    I may not be a great dancer but I love my occasional chance to dance at a club to Goth rock until I can barely stand, it`s very catgartic!

    1. Magick definitely changed my way of life and made me the person I am today.

  4. Beautiful picture Meagan. What inspires me the most is art and design. I also love music, helping others, history, gothic movies, reading, and spiritual learning and study. You have inspired me with your post so I think I might need to do a post about inspiration as well! Thanks.

    1. I would love to read your blog about inspiration....glad I inspired you! =D I also love history, visiting museums and watching historical based movies :)

  5. XD can you borrow us your brother XD for me it mainly is music, too (that and reading or talking with friends on relaxing evenings) btw, do you have more pictures of that place?

    1. I thought I blogged about the Basilica, but I guess I did not! If I can find the photos I will share =D

  6. The Basilica is beautiful! Great photo, Meagan. :)

    Everything inspires me except housework - nothing gives me a case of the meh's faster than knowing I have to put away whatever creative thing I'm doing because the furniture needs dusting or the toilets need cleaning.

    1. Yeah, house work is a necessary evil.....emphasis on the EVIL.


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