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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Upstairs Room(s)

The title was inspired by The Cure song "The Upstairs Room", because I'm upstairs at the house sitting at my beautiful 1950s vanity while I am typing up this blog. The lyrics of the song have nothing to due with this post, but I'm a crazy Cure fan so there you have it. *Wink*

I've been chased upstairs due to the extreme stinkiness of having our floors being refinished, which will be so worth it when everything comes together....and there is so much more to be done! Since we can't continue painting our living room or dining room and the kitchen is near completion, we've turned our attentions to our living area upstairs which is our master suite. The room that my vanity is located is in a main room (where we sleep) with adjoining front and back rooms, the front room is my sewing room and the back room is our walk-in closet.

(This isn't all my clothing, I don't want to break the wall!)

The walls of our closet room are green, which I dig and we're not going to change. I love to live in a space that isn't just white walls all around and green makes me happy! Derek installed a closet kit on the one side of the room as the double garment rack we purchased (located on the other side of the room) to share just didn't cut it. We both love clothing and need a space to be able to store and care for our garments properly. Derek is an angel for putting up that stupid clothing system, those things are so frustrating!  

Our closet room also has a little closet of it's own and it is the perfect place for our shoes, belts, etc. This is just my side of the shoes closet where I can finally store and find all my shoes! 

I have to say, having a space that I can alter to fit our needs and wants is pretty amazing. There has been a lot of frustration that has come with the house, but we're settling in nicely.

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Ooooo this is so exciting! :D I love your 50s table and it looks like the closet is coming along nicely! Also I think it's pretty epically awesome and cool that you and Derek have similar interests and are making the room work for both of you. That's so neat and great to see! (P.S. You both have fabulous shoe collections!!!)

  2. Oh I remember when my parents did their floors at their house. i also remember when i first moved into my first ever apartment. They did the floors and it had that smell for weeks. It is well worth it though. Congrats on the new home and the renos. I am very envious of all the shoes and closet space you have!

  3. So fun!! LOVE your dressing table! That's a wish list item of mine :)

  4. So exciting! I like green walls too! And hanging space is so good!

  5. It looks really good this far! A dressing room is a long-term dream of mine but having too little spare space is making it quite impossible at the moment! I love your shoe closet! <3


  6. A room just for shoes? I'm jealous.

  7. Love your vanity! It's so rare that this piece came with it's bench! And you have some many rooms in your house! Not to mention that walk in closet!!! ohhhh So lucky!!! :D


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