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Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I love pieces that have a lot of silver hardware combined with leather. Whether it's a belt, boots or accessories, it stands out against black so nicely. 

I'm wearing this large knit sweater over a dark purple velvet maxi dress, both were thrift store finds. Surprisingly the hole-y knit is warm!

They say that if you wore it before, you shouldn't wear it again (as in fashion and trends) and I pffffffft to that. I wore stretch velvet in the 90s/early 00's and I welcome it back into my life now that I can find it! Yeah, I bought some wide leg velvet pants and did a little happy dance. 

PS-I got a shout out from Jen over at Betties N Brimstone, thank you and yes, goths can smile! Haha!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I say pffffft to that too - a good look is a good look - it's timeless!

  2. Oh I love that necklace and belt! Need it!

  3. Love all the silver (but I bet you knew that already!)
    Holey stuff is warm, something about trapping air - like the string vests old men wear. It seems weird though! x

    1. I do! I have been told I 'jingle' when I walk, lol! ;) It is odd, but really neat!!!

  4. You look so cute---and warm! I'm new at dressing for cold weather and I feel like I look like a bum everyday!

    1. You'll get the hang of it. Layering is an art form!

  5. I just picked myself up a nice purple, stretch velvet maxi dress for wearing with big jumpers. I tend to find stretch velvets skirts tend to spin around as I walk so I'm hoping this won't happen so much with a dress.

    1. Sounds lovely and I believe you'll have good luck on the 'no-spin' front! :)

  6. Just recently discovered your blog and I love it! <3

    1. Thank you and hello! I have been a reader of your blog and I enjoy yours as well :)


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