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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Blue Room

First photos taken in what will be my sewing/studio room and it's blue. I can't say I hate blue, but I probably will paint at some point. I have to make this space more 'me' and plaster it with Robert Smith and Ice Bats.

My outfit is super casual, but it's pretty dressy compared to the yoga pants and no make up I've been rockin' while we've had a few snow days. I've been too busy to care, but going out with friend's for tacos and tequila is a good excuse to make an effort. Hahaha!

I need a bang trim very badly.

+zebra shirt, wool sweater and necklace: thrift. +pants: Target +zebra creepers : eBay

Slanted walls! AHHHHH!!!!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Ah yes, slanted walls. Cracked my head more than a few times in the attic when not paying proper attention. And now the new sewing room has slanted walls, too! Although at least they're not blue. ;)

    1. I cracked my head in the little closets that are off our upstairs rooms. OUCH!!!!

  2. Nice color! I've got blue walls too. Looking awesome

    1. Thank you! I have to say, blue is very calming!

  3. Oh dear, slanted walls! I hope you grow to love them and I assume you are not claustrophobic!

    I had a similar coat of blue in my bedroom as a kid, in the future I would like to do murals on my walls. If it makes you feel any better, I once lived in a house where all the walls and curtains were PINK!

    1. I really dislike slanted walls, but we love the house and are just excepting them for their little quirks ;) We have a pink room in the house, SO pink. Hahaaha!

  4. Maybe the slant walls will work in your favor if you station the sewing machine just so... and put up Robert Smith in just the right spot so whenever you need to take a break from your sewing you look up and behold, he's looking down on you! :D Love your zebra prints! <3


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