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Saturday, December 20, 2014

We Bought a House!

This has been the 'big thing' we've been saving our money for, our first home! We're closing in a few days and I can't wait till it's all over. It's been stressful, time consuming and a bit frustrating, but my daydreams will soon become a reality and we can both relax. Boy do we have plans for the house *rubs hands together*.

We had been tossing around the idea of starting to look for a home in the up-and-coming area that is closest to Derek's tattoo shop, but we weren't expecting to get into a house until 2015. Well, this opportunity came and we snatched it up and we couldn't be happier. 

It's pretty much the worst timing in terms of 1)I work in retail and it's busy 2)the holidays 3)almost the end of the year and 4)it's cold/almost Winter, BUT when something comes along in life that is positive we've learned to be flexible. So, with that being said, my blogging will probably slow down due to the house and the move.

Thank you for reading!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. That is great! Congratulations on that.

  2. How exciting - congratulations on your purchase - what an awesome house.

  3. Congratulations! I hope the move goes well, and the busy season doesn't make it too stressful!

  4. Very exciting! Best of luck and congratulations!

  5. WAHOO! Congrats! And on the Solstice, too. Brightest of blessings for the new beginning.

  6. Cute house! :D Welcome to the Homeowners Club.

    And a somewhat belated happy birthday!

  7. Congratulations, that's so exciting! Loving that porch and looking forward to seeing you posing on it! xxx

  8. That's HUGE! Congrats on getting your first home ... I can hardly wait to see what you do with it! **rubs hands together** :)

  9. Congrats on being a home owner! I'm looking forward to your decorating posts. :)

  10. Congratulations on your house!! I can totally relate to the stress and frustration of the buying process. When we bought our house the escrow process was a nightmare! It's such a coincidence too because when we finally closed and moved in it was December too! Of course our Decembers are a lot less cold here but still, I can relate. Good luck with the move and with making the house your home! <3 I hope you will have some future posts with your home. Love your front porch <3

  11. Congratulations! I can't wait to see how you decorate it, I'm sure you will go all out!


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