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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Greetings from Paintland

Painting is well under way in the house and we've decided to knock a few walls down in the living room, but in the mean time work and other life responsibilities continue. I managed to squeeze in a few photos of this cute dress that I re-discovered how much I love!

I got the H&M dress from a clothing swap and I'm glad I snatched it up. It's so flowy and swingy, I am going to be on the hunt for more 'tent' style dress. I really dig 60's style!

I also like the dress, because the top very nun-like. Haha!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Oh I definately got to get more dresses like that. Perfect for my more ahem "puffy" days :)

    1. Hehehehee!!!!! Yes, this dress would be great for any day, but perfect for those "puffy" days ;)

  2. I love the collar on that dress! The stitches on the leggings are cool too!

  3. Hi Meagan - just wanted you to know you inspired my Christmas look.http://ladymhauntedparlor.blogspot.com/2014/12/coffin-kitsch-inspired.html


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