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Friday, December 12, 2014

Crushed Velvet Boots

I bought myself an early birthday present, these purple crushed velvet boots! I couldn't resist as they match my hair AND they were $24.99. Pretty impractical in the winter, but they are not meant (nor will be worn) for the snow.

Something about a crisp white shirt that I like. Simple, but worries me since I'm an accident prone slob. "So, I can see what you had for lunch". Haha!!! 

No stains yet! 

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Drools. They are a thing of beauty, can they be scotchgarded or does water ruin them?

    1. I will spray them, but I don't think they would hold up too well in the rain =/

  2. Great boots and such a bargain. I hear you about the white - lunch always lands smack dab on the boob shelf.

  3. Cute! Happy early birthday! I just bought some Dr Martens Holly shoes that are velvet. Couldn't resist.

  4. I have similar ones, but burgundy and plain velvet and I was soooo afraid, that they will fall apart soon - and here they are, after 3 years, walking in rain, mud, snow, and also hiking in forests and while they definitely look worn, they are still pretty much presentable. It amazes me what velvet can endure :D

  5. Purple boots. Ohhhhh purple boots... I had a pair of Rocket Dog boots in just that shade of purple one winter. I didn't bring them with me when I moved to Hawaii though. Sometimes I wonder why...

    1. Awww, hopefully you'll get your purple boots back!

  6. LOVE those boots, and Happy Birthday!

  7. Where did you get the boots?! I love them! Happy Bday!

    1. Thank you! Here is the link http://www.6pm.com/unionbay-floyd-berry


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