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Monday, August 12, 2013

Outfit of the Day : Cotton T-shirt Dress

Oh yes, feeling a little goofy after all the moving that Derek and I accomplished today. Even though we're only moving across the courtyard from our current place, it's a lot of work and I'll do a jig once we're all done. I hate moving, but bigger kitchen and Tiki room (aka dining room) makes it all worth it.

I took a shower and slipped into one of my favorite types of outfit, a dress, pair of leggings with a pair of boots. I'm calling the dress a 'cotton t-shirt dress' as it's just as comfortable as wearing a t-shirt, it's from H&M's Divided Basic line and I think the price is around $12.95. I love this dress so much that I went out and bought another one, because I can't have just one of these comfy beauties! Speaking of buying things, I'm on a 'no buy' quest this month, it's voluntary task that I bestowed on myself in order to keep better track of my spending. I have been stressed out with all the changes going on (nothing bad!) that I have a tendency to indulge in retail therapy and well, I wanted to nip it in the bud. Shopping is not a cure for stress, so I'm taking my own advice about spending/budgeting. My no buy August is only limited to things that are extras, so items for the move, household items, toiletries, food, gas, etc. are A-OK! Derek says "You don't have to do this", but it's actually grounding me a bit and I've become a lot more focused. Yeah, I'm weird.

Bonus photo with Ice Bat!

Have you ever had a 'no buy' month?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Replies
    1. I'm not saying it's been easy ;)---I see sales everywhere!

  2. We just moved, too. Down one floor and around the corner! It wouldn't have been half as bad if we didn't own an arcade game.

    We've had a lot of vet bills recently, so I'm supposed to be not buying anything. But like you, we found we needed a ton of stuff for the new place...so much for that.

    1. Arcade game! That sounds pretty rad!!! =D
      I hope everything is okay with your critter(s)!!!

  3. I tried it once. I think I made it 10 days.

  4. Beware of vanishing boxes during the move. After my moves it has always been one box missing, and a box that one miss for real :/. I love your comfy outfits, so inspiring as I like to dress comfortably myself.
    Are you moving to a larger appartment?

    1. I'm discovering things I thought were "lost" from the move into this place, lol!
      Thank you, comfy doesn't have to mean frumpy in my book ;)

  5. omg that Lullaby poster!
    I also love your boots and tights :)

    1. The poster, thank you! It was a gift from a high school friend many many moons ago. Hard to believe I've had it hanging from in bedroom at my parents to all the apartments I've lived in :)

  6. LOL, you can use that money you've saved from your no-buy month for all the new Tiki stuff you're going to need to fill that bigger space! :D

  7. Aaaah, you look so cute! Good luck with the no-buy rule!

  8. You look great! Also, that bat <3

  9. I've been on a 'no-buy' kinda thing for a while now. Travel expenses are still kicking my butt though!


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