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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Please Pardon Our Dust....

We're moved in, hoooooooray!!!!! Now I need to find homes for everything including all my clothing, hair products, accessories and shoes. I really like our new place, but we are sacrificing closet space for more living space, so it's been a bit of a challenge. Yet, I am excited to have my own vanity which is something I've wanted for years. I picked up an old 50s style blonde wood desk at a thrift store which will act as my beauty roost, a place to put on my make up and style my hair along with having everything I need in one spot.

Timer going off and trying to fix my collar=silly face

Along with moving, I've been giving my hair a rest from all the hair products, straightening, etc., so I am rockin' my mini fedora for a day of running errands. 

What I'm wearing:
-dress, thrift store
-vest, thrift store
-creepers, TUK Shoes
-mini fedora, T.J. Maxx

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. How exciting! Good luck with the move (and you look fabulous BTW!)

  2. Wow that's great. I hope you are satisfied with your new home. That little hat is so pretty, what a good idea for a bad hair day :)

  3. We did the exact same thing - the closets are all smaller, but we have more actual apartment to live in. It forced us to get rid of a lot of crap we didn't need, which was a very good thing!


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