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Thursday, August 22, 2013

WWD MAGIC Tradeshow

Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their week so far, I just got back from a whirlwind trip to Las Vegas, NV for the WWD MAGIC which was a work trip for Cats Like Us. If you're not familiar with MAGIC, it's is the world's biggest fashion tradeshow. Pretty crazy huh?

Julie Ann, Andrew and I spent four days meeting with our vendors, looking for new vendors and taking the seminars provided by the tradeshow. I learned a lot, meet some awesome people, and got to see some of Vegas in the meantime. The trip was a whirlwind at times and slow at others, we got a lot of work done, though it was exhausting, it was very exciting as it was my first time in Vegas.

Where's Meagan?

Some of the vendor booths I snapped photos of:

Sourpuss Clothing
I love them! Can't wait for their Halloween designs to land in the store.

Kreepsville 666-Chatted with the owners, they are so rad!

Shrine Clothing

Alchemy Gothic 
One of each please!

Trashy Diva
Miss Julie Ann snapping photos of what we ordered.

Folter Clothing
Their Halloween goodies are awesome!

Miss Wendi from Hell Bunny and I have Badtz Maru tattoos! We
were both excited!

There is so much more to share, but I'll leave that for another blog, I'm still recovering from the trip and processing all the data. Hehe! I will leave you with a snap of the cute shoes that the gal from Too Fast Clothing was rockin', very cute!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Looks fun! I want those shoes. They look like they would actually be quite comfortable too!

    1. Fun, exhausting, interesting experience.

      And I agree, the shoes looked comfy!

  2. Oh. I would love to go there! It would be like a fashion heaven for me ^^

    1. There was so much to look at, it was overwhelming at times!

  3. Ahh, it's times like these that I wish I was in the states! It looks like such a fun day, even if it was a work event. :P

    1. It was awesome, so wonderful to know all the alternative fashion brands we've grown to love are full of rad people who care. :)

  4. Oh you went on a trip to heaven!!! I'm sure you love your job, don't you?
    Love that were's Meagan photo :) The more I read your blog the more I see your good sense of humour.

    1. I do love my job, I love fashion and I enjoy making ladies look (and most important) feel good.
      I'm glad you enjoy my sense of humor, I definitely don't take my self too serious...life's too short ;)

  5. DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLL look at all of those clothes!!


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