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Sunday, October 12, 2014

This Week's Thrift Finds : Furniture

This week's theme was end tables. Since I haven't been doing a lot of thrift store shopping or antique shop hunting, I was surprised to find two end tables! I love home decor and decorating, I like to surround myself with treasures that I find from long forgotten eras or repurpose discarded diamonds-in-the-rough.. Derek and I like to call our home decor style, Mid Century Macabre. Decorating our humble abode makes me giddy, as silly as it may sound!

This end table was a $3.99 thrift find. A little scratched, but a solid piece. Derek added his Dead Mary statue to the table and I love it!

My friend Iris discovered this amoeba shaped little table this afternoon while we all went out for a day of antiquing. A steal at $17.00! Once again, it's a little rough around the edges, but nothing in our apartment is brand new and everything has A LOT of character a.k.a scratches, dents, and has been preciously loved. Hehehe!

I found this nun double head vase, but had to leave them due to price. Oh nuns, I love you!

Do you buy second hand furniture?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I love the Dead Mary statue. I have seen those tables before but never heard them called amoeba tables! What a great name! I hope it splits off into many more tables for you!

    Those nuns look so cheeky! I wonder what they are up to? Drinking?

  2. I buy second hand furniture! I should be getting my thrift on soon!

  3. Love both of you end tables! But I especially love the amoeba end table! What a find!!!

  4. If the second hand furniture around these parts was as awesome as your finds, then yes, yes I would buy second hand furniture, hehe. Our furniture are hand me downs if that counts? It's not at all to our taste, but we accepted it because otherwise we'd have no furniture lol

  5. Great finds! I have a weakness for those two-tier end tables. Love your Mid Century Macabre style. :)


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