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Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Hate You Flash!

Yep, I hate the flash.

The days are getting darker, Derek isn't always around to give me a hand and I moved the furniture around, so it's back to experimenting with places to take photos. I wasn't going to share these, but it's real life and there are hits and misses. Photos outside is always ideal, but not always realistic when time is an issue.

I'm just sharing my #1 frustration with doing outfit posts, but it's all for fun and I'm not going to stress.....too much. *Wink*

Thank you for reading!!!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Flash really sucks sometimes, but it's the only option we have now and then. I think your pictures look anyway.

  2. I love your outfit, its very cute

  3. At least flash only makes you look paler! I get shiny face! Ugh!

    You look very cute!

  4. I feel the same way about taking photos for outfit posts! If I had to rely on going outside to take photos I'd never have an outfit post up! lol. Love your outfit!! Super cute! Also did you recently change your hair color? I love the purple tones it has!

    1. I did change my hair :) I went from red to purple and it is in desperate need of a re-color as it's been almost 4 weeks! Thank you for your kind words :)

  5. These are so cute! Everybody hates the flash :)


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