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Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Last Beat of My Heart : The Sisters of Mercy

Though Mr. Eldritch doesn't want to be called a 'goth band' and denies it up and down, but The Sisters of Mercy are what I consider one of the most influential bands in the goth rock genre. A personal favorite and a band I often listen too while turning around in my lace dresses.

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. They recorded a fair few of their songs at Strawberry Studios in Stockport (where we do our regular vintage market). The theme was bands who'd recorded there last weekend and This Corrosion was on a loop! Nice change from the usual 1950s stuff! xxx

  2. One of my fave bands from my 80's Goth days! I still have all my vinyl.

  3. Isn't that meant to be one of the signs of being a Goth band, denying you are one? Lol

    I can;t ever help dancing to Temple of Love!


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