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Friday, June 6, 2014

Dem Bones!

When I got dressed on Monday I wasn't paying attention to my shoe choice as Derek and I left the house to run some errands. While we were sitting down to a nice lunch on the patio at Cafe' 59, I realized I was covered in bones from my dress to my toes! Heheehehe!

It was very windy as a thunderstorm was about to roll in, but we managed to dodge the rain and enjoy a leisurely Monday. Due to both Derek and my work schedules our Sundays and Mondays acts like our weekend, so I generally choose a comfy outfit combo like; a dress, leggings and little flats.

The X-Ray Doll Parts dress by Sourpuss Clothing is so comfy and cute! Oh yeah! Flashback to another way I styled this dress.

Thank you for stopping by!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. The first thing I thought was actually how cute the shoes and dress are together!
    And the dress is amazing. I love how flowy it is

    1. Hahaha, good eye! The dress is very comfy and flowy, two things which are great for summer months ;)

  2. I love this dress and had been thinking of buying it. I will now, you look fab! :) x

  3. Love those days that things just end matching without any intentions to! Such a cool dress :)

    1. I have to say those days give me a giggle and a smile :)

  4. I am totally in love with the dress!

    x Dawn

  5. haha unknowingly co-ording yourself, must be a proper ghoul!

  6. Adorable! You just can't go wrong with a bones theme.


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