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Friday, May 30, 2014

More Salem Fun

I need to get back into the groove with my blogging schedule, so until I get my brain straight (I kept thinking yesterday was Friday) here is some more random Salem fun. I'm posing with the Bewitched statue, have you ever watched that classic TV show? 

Derek outside of the old town hall as we're wandering around while all the shops and museums are closed. I love this goof!

Tombstone in Burying Point Cemetery. The engravings are just too neat!

So attractive, dear!

Occult store, Hex

The Witch Dungeon Museum was neat as it is in an old church. It gave me a little fright at the end!

It was too cold and rainy on Friday to tour the Friendship, but we admired it while we sat and ate a late lunch. 

Derek nor I are big horror movie people, but the Count Orlok Nightmare Gallery was one of the best museums in Salem. I loved Pinhead (Hellraiser) and the classic horror movie monster, like the Creature from the Black Lagoon...he's so handsome. Hehe!

Hey good lookin'. Whatcha do cookin' in the cauldron?

Five Hands Curiosity Shoppe is AWESOME! So many lovely things, but alas we could only bring a few treasures home. Le sigh.

Lastly, a terrible mirror photo of my wedding ensemble featuring Soutche Sandy Dress by Trashy Diva. I'm glad I bought it from work with the urging of Julie Ann. I was on the fence about the way the dress it looked on me, but I grew to love it and it traveled well and has pockets! Bonus!

Thank you for coming to hang out with me!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. So jealous of your Salem tour,it's at the top of my list of places I want to visit.

    And what a gorgeous dress!

  2. If I ever find myself in North America I definitely consider about visiting Salem. Such a fun post! :)

    1. Thank you! We definitely had some fun and I'm sure you will when you get a chance to visit!

  3. That tombstone is fabulous!! I like the older decorating styles SO much better than the modern ones!

    I used to watch 'Bewitched' faithfully when I was a kid! I loved that show and the characters, especially Endora, Samantha's mother. But I've read that Elizabeth Montgomery was a REAL witch (with a capital 'B') to work with!

    1. I agree about the old tombstones, there were so many wonderful ones decorated with death heads.

      I heard that too! I love Bewitched, I should re-visit the show!

  4. I LOVED Bewitched as a kid. My husband was so excited to take me to see that statue. Unfortunately, that was the last happy memory I have of Salem (long, long story).

    1. Oh gee :( At least you had one happy memory!

  5. Salem is soooooo cool! We haven't got anything like that in the UK. Bit jealous! x

  6. That dress is perfection! I used to watch Bewitched every afternoon after school, along with I Dream of Jeanie, The Nanny and Sabrina the Teenaged Witch. :3

  7. LOL delightful post...I adored bewitched, still do .

    1. Thank you :) Such a great show that I need to re-visit =D

  8. Aww, such great pictures! You guys look like you had an amazing time. Most of the time when I'm in Salem, it's for class, booo!

    1. I hope you can hang out there for some fun time too!!!

  9. Neat pictures! I have never visited Salem, I would love to see it in the future!


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