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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Mission (UK)

On Friday September 6th, Derek, our friend Jason and I had the privilege to see The Mission perform at Lee's Palace in Toronto, Ontario. I am SO glad that we got to go to the show and not only to see the very talented musician's who make up The Mission, but to see Craig Adams (guitar) and Wayne Hussey (vocal, guitar) who were responsible for album First, Last and Always while they were in The Sisters of Mercy. Though I know the history of both bands, it dawned on me (at the show) while listening to Craig Adams guitar that is he played guitar on "Walk Away" and "Poison Door", two of my favorite Sisters songs. It was a pretty rad moment. <Big Smiles>

Derek is really excited to see The Mission. LOL!!!

I'm glad I didn't wear a jacket as it was very hot in the venue, then again wearing a faux leather vest probably wasn't the brightest idea, but a little sweat has never stopped me.

I definitely recommend you seeing The Mission if they come close to where you live, you will really enjoy the experience and the music. I left the show feeling inspired and enchanted.

What I am wearing:
-lace dress, $8 thrift store
-faux leather vest, Forever 21
-boots, Dolce Vita for Target-purchased from Amazon.com

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. The Mission <3 <3 ! I love their cover song Love me two times.

  2. I'm going to see The Mission and Fields of the Nephilim in December, looking forward to it!

    1. Ohhh! I have to admit we were mega bummed that Fields of the Nephilim did not join the Mission on the Northern America tour :( Have a great time!

  3. Love The Mission <3 Saw them in Athens recently!
    I just found your blog and I love it!
    Definitely following!

    1. Oh, I'm glad you loved the show as well!
      Hello and thank you! I love your blog and have been following for a while now;)

  4. You lloked fabulous! Love the dress with that belt! ♥
    I cant believe I didn't have a chance to see them live on my trip to NY :'(. Let's see if I get lucky on their next future tour.


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