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Sunday, September 22, 2013

New Modem

Phew! After a half week of frustrating days without having a modem (ours crapped out) I'm back with stories and intrigue...okay, I'm just being dramatic. I do have to say that last week was filled with getting a new little tattoo, shopping for Halloween goodies, secret destination dinner, work and On The Wire on Saturday.

Boney finger has a ribbon reminder as I'm forgetful.

Posing with the On the Wire October flyer, I've had a few drinks at this point.

I just wanted to say "Hello!" and Happy Vernal Autumnal Equinox!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. dude you look fabulous! your makeup is perfect

    1. Thank you! Definitely not perfect, but I'll take the nice compliment ;)

  2. So what's the meaning behind the new tattoo, hmmmm? Which is lovely, BTW. :o)

    Welcome back to the land of the internet, Meagan Kyla - no modem, that must have been awful!

    1. No real meaning other than I like Victorian pointing hands, but made it a boney hand with a ribbon tied to the finger representing the fact that I am forgetful. :)

  3. Your make up looks wonderful! Glad to see that you're back online. :)


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