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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Secret Dinner

Derek was invited by our chef friend Ed Forster to a "secret" dinner affair by The Workshop, in which the location details were not revealed until 24 hours before the event. I jokingly said it was like a food rave, 90s style. Hehe!

The cocktail style affair took place at Silo City to my delight, as my fair city of Buffalo is home to many monolithic industrial gems that I love and now I am dining amongst them?! Yay!!!

I love the windows!

Little bits of grass and wildflowers amongst the industrial decay.

We were right on the water.

A dapper Derek enjoying one of the delicious cocktails of the evening.

The shrimp based appetizer were served on skipping stones. Brilliant!

Inside the Silo

It was a delicious and different experience that I would definitely participate in again. Here is a little write up about the event in the Buffalo News blog.

I'm getting hungry while I'm typing! Hehe! 

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Wow that sounds like so much fun! How would someone not connected be able to join in on that action? Heh.

    By the way, you two look quite amazing.

  2. Awesome place! I love industrial buildings, of course, the older ones built with brick stones or concrete.

  3. Awesome, that sounds like such a cool night out!


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