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Friday, September 13, 2013

Shoes! OMG! : Katherine Engineer Boots

Oh, sorry I'm a day late for Shoes! OMG!, but I have a good excuse seeing as I was showing out-of-town friends around Buffalo. We had a great time and it made me realize (once again) that Buffalo is pretty rad. Anywho...

The Katherine Engineer Boots caught my eye as I've been looking for a pair of engineer boots and these are leather! The price is right and I like that there are no extra bells and whistles on the boots, perfection!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. A few years back these were in the store in brown for $40. Yep, got me a pair. These are awesome and they get mistaken for Fryes all the time.

  2. Wow, nostalgia! I had a pair of these long ago :)


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