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Thursday, November 8, 2012


A huge chuck of my posts are temporarily unavailable due to some sort of issue with Photobucket and my photo links being "broken". I had this same issue earlier this week and spent hours fixing all the photos. I am beyond exasperated. Please pardon the chaos!

-Meagan Kyla

**Edit all has been fixed, but I'm still having issues here and there**


  1. Aww, I hope things work out, you always post the best pictures! I also hope my images are fine...I use Photobucket also. I think it has one of the worst UI I've seen in a long time.

    I haven't really noticed any of your images missing in posts. I did experience one weird thing, when I clicked on an image it tried to sign me into your Photobucket account...

    1. This is ridiculous, I'm getting more and more frustrated! Thank you for your kind words and letting me know about that issue. I don't get it, I really don't. I went back and fixed a lot of the issues and upload photos onto my picasa account.


  2. It does sound very frustrating indeed! It was the image in the batty post that redirected me to a photobucket login before. I think I was viewing it on my phone at the time, now it redirects me to a "private album page", which is what it should be doing. That problem seems to be resolved, so you can feel a little bit better X)

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know, I really appreciate it!

  3. I can relate to your frustration! I went through hell trying to get my blog moved to my "family" server and then that server developed major issues (I blame my brother because he turned it into a gaming server!). So I moved it again and then all of my images broke. Thankfully I thought of a fairly simple solution (so the images are actually under a different domain name now). Such a hassle, but that's technology for you! Yes, technology sucks almost as much as it is helpful. :) I'm glad you were able to get everything resolved.

    1. I'm sorry you had to deal with such a large task! I now I really shouldn't complain over a few photos, but regardless it makes you want to throw your hands up in defeat. I'm glad everything is sorta with Sophistique Noir, I always enjoy your posts!


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