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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Red and Black Week : I'm a Stupor Model!

I have been known to step in front of the camera over the last few years, though I don't consider myself a model by any means, yet it's fun to have these memento's. I am a stylist and I love to be behind the scenes, yet I'm always flattered when my photographer friends ask me to take center stage and try to act serious while getting my picture snapped. I'm a huge goof ball, yet they do their magic and make me look good! These photos have been taken over the past few years, different hair styles and less tattoos!

Mode Merr Clothing. Photographer Jennifer Link

Lip Service Clothing. Lethal Style Blog by Vanity Kills the blog is here.
Photographer Andrew Kondziela
Lip Service Clothing. Lethal Style Blog by Vanity Kills the blog is here.
Photographer Zach Rose
Alright, now that you're sick of looking at my face, I am very honored to have worked with so many talented people behind and in front of the camera! Though some of them may be a little far-fetched for Red and Black Theme Week, those colors are in there somewhere! Thanks for reading!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. The jacket in the last photos <3 <3

  2. You make a great model as well as a great stylist. I love the pin-up feel of the first outfit (and of course the red and black theme). The second is great too with the military cyber goth feel (would you call it that? I'm bad at labels). Anyway - all fantastic and unique.

  3. Wooo! I usually start with the first post in the Linky and work my way down to the last, but I saw your striking thumbnail on today's Linky and jumped straight to your post first. I absolutely had to check that photo out full-size pronto, and was not disappointed!

    Far-fetched red and black is still red and black. I run a very lax kind of theme. I'm easy to get along with like that. :)


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