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Friday, September 19, 2014


I realize my blogging game has been off. Thursday came and went as I've been busier with work and life in general, but I haven't forgotten about my lovely readers! A thought popped into my head that in December it will be three years of blogging! Say what?! Time really does fly and it seems to always blow my mind that it all seems to just happen in the blink of an eye...or eyes.

+creepy crawly critters shirt: Jawbreaker +skirt: Steady Clothing
+lace stockings: Leg Avenue +studded belt : thrifted

The Creepy Crawly Critters top has a Western sort of vibe to it with the lace yoke, so I decided to play it up by wearing my cowboy boots. I am a big fan of Western styles such as ribbon and bolo ties, cowboy shirts, boots straps, concho details, etc. Those dark and dusty cowboys always seems to give me a bit of a chill. *Cough cough Carl McCoy cough cough*

I can honestly say I'm not a huge fan of bugs. I do find them interesting in the the 'hey look at this specimen' sort of way, yet if they stay over there and I'm over here, we can be good friends. I do like looking at spiders (when they aren't biting me), yet I'll run away screaming from a butterfly. I hate butterflies! I'm not saying this in the 'OMG I'm so dark' sort of way, but I think I was traumatized by a particular trip to the butterfly conservatory. Dun, dun, dunnnnnnnnnn!

What are your opinions on bugs? 

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Love this look. I like a lot of western stuff, too. No thank you to all the bugs! I've had 3 bad spider incidents this year alone :(

  2. I dont mind bugs except for wasps, hornets and bees. ugh! I love the top by the way and you did an excellent job with matching it with that skirt. As usual, you look adorable. Congrats on 3 years of blogging and I hope there are many more to come!

    1. You are very kind, glad you enjoy my little slice of the internet ;)

  3. I love bugs (the stranger looking, the better)..and bugs seem to love me. and of course I love that shirt. and congrats on 3 years of blogging.

    1. Thank you! Bugs like my husband and think he's delicious. Hehe!

  4. This outfit is awesome! I love the bug top. The western style of this outfit works so well!
    I tried on a different one from Jawbreaker from the same fabric at a local store, but it really didn't suit me. It was this one:
    Where did you get yours?

    Congratulations on your 3 years of blogging - keep on being inspiring for the next 3(and many more) m'dear!

    1. Thank you :) I got the shirt from my work, Cats Like Us.

  5. True story- I once nearly hit a stranger in the back because I thought there were bees crawling all over her. Turns out it was a print on her shirt.

  6. Oooh and congratulations on the upcoming bloggiversary!

  7. Love the lace on the shirt! The whole outfit is fabulous, as is your hairstyle! :D

    I don't mind most bugs; some are pretty cool, actually. But I'm terrified of wasps, and I hate icky silverfish. And I won't even speak of huge flying cockroaches except to say they are the stuff of nightmares and I am VERY thankful that I haven't seen any here in Colorado.

    1. Dude I completely agree. While most bugs I can stand (some I'd even go so far as saying I like) but the three you named are stuff of nightmares. Nooo thank you. I'd die happy if I never saw another cockroach again.

    2. Ugh cockroaches. I live in an apartment with them, it was HORRIBLE!

  8. I love buggies! I need that shirt in my life! Your hair is looking amazing!


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