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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Allergies of Dooooom

I've been suffering from some crazy allergy/sinus issues, like my eyes swelling thus making me look like a watery-eyed frog. Ribbit. Ribbit. So, I'm taking a little break from any outfit posts and I'm fixing the 'shop my closet' page which was working fine until the "buy it now" links decided to stop working. Blargh. Last week was a little rough to say the least.

Happy Sunday everyone! Now I'm back to blowing my schnoz while my husband looks at me with both horror and concern. He's a lucky duck, no allergy issues for him.

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Aww I'm soo sorry to hear that!! Sinus issues are the worst! I hope you feel better soon! Take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest! Sending lots of love and warm get well wishes your way! :)

    1. You're very welcome!! As someone confined to my bedroom this summer with a bad ankle sprain, I feel your pain! Just hang in there!! ^_^

    2. I hope you feel better yourself!

    3. Thanks! I wish you a speedy recover, too!

  2. Get better soon! We have the same Ugly Doll! :D x

  3. Allergies suck! My poor boyfriend gets really bad hayfever, the kind that is actually like getting a cold. I have really mild allergies but sometimes need an antihistamine if I eat the wrong thing!

  4. Allergies are the worst!! I started using this once a day OTC allergy nose spray... AllergyCram??? I don't know. We'll see how it goes. Hope you feel better :)

  5. Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you feel better soon

  6. Sorry to hear you had a rough week. Allergies are a pain. Here's hoping you feel better soon!

  7. Bleckkk, allergies are horrible!! So sorry you are stuck dealing with them. I'm sending some Zen chicken noodle soup, and hope you feel better soon!

  8. I've tried to convince a doctor that having my sinuses scraped out and lined with titanium is a good idea, but they keep telling me no. DRAT.


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