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Friday, September 12, 2014

A Peter Pan Collar and Bats....All Over!

I'm finally starting to feel human again....sorta. I was feeling pretty cute in this ensemble which was worn to work. Since the weather has drastically taken a turn (starting to feel like Autumn!), I was happy to wear the Sourpuss Clothing bat cardigan with the darling peter collar Abigail dress and crossbone YRU loafers that I got for a steal on eBay. I also couldn't resist wearing a pair of spider web tights, because..well why not?! Hehe!

I couldn't find the bat cardigan on Sourpuss' website. Booo, must
be sold out!

We always joke that there are two seasons in our house, Tiki and Halloween-even though we never stop having both on our mind- and we're excited to see all the Halloween goodies and treats that make our wallets cry candy corn tears. I am in need of some hand towels, so this is the time of the year that I stock up since I use Halloween-themed items all year round!

PS-Check out my work and their Halloween Boo-tique, so many awesome treats!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. You look so ADORABLE! I just bought the v-neck, lime green, batty sweater from CLU. How can I go wrong? Lime green and BATS?!? Yes please and thank you. HA! Glad you're feeling better, doll! And yeah, YAY for autumn!!!

    1. Awesome! I saw your order on the shipping table ;) :) ;)

    2. *snicker* that's pretty darned cool. WAHOO! Send me my batties! Oh, and that righteous tiki skirt. Oh yeah.

  2. I want your sweater! You look really cute and im glad you are feeling better

  3. I think this is one of my favorite outfit posts... even though I did immediately buy the Woof Woof Goodnight Munsters shirt.

    I adore that bat sweater. You lovely bloggers are making me broke! :D

  4. This outfit is so cute! Bats and bows are a winning combination in my book :D sounds weird but I like to stock up on socks at this time of year... they're cool and don't get mixed up with anyone elses boring black ones in the wash!

    1. I agree, it's a great time to stock up!! Thank you!

  5. I love that cardigan, you look so cute!

  6. I love the bat sweater! I bet everyone in Australia bought it during our winter, which just ended. Of course, in Australia it's practically too hot to wear a jumper in Winter!

  7. looks awesome! love how it all goes together...and your shoes are awesome too

  8. The dress is so adorable!! The neckline with the peter pan collar combination is something I haven't seen before and it's lovely!

  9. Just resisted that cardigan at Trash &Vaudeville NYC. Glad you got it! : )


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