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Thursday, March 2, 2017

So Many (Halloween) Kitties

Hello friends! I forgot that I had snapped these photos last week (or the week before?) of my matchy-matchy Halloween cat sweater and leggings. I snatched up the leggings a few years ago when Sourpuss Clothing when the Halloween cat first started to appear. (You can see me being matchy matchy when we visited Salem, MA)

Wearing; LucyFur sweater and leggings (Sourpuss Clothing), skirt (DIY'ed from a dress), silver necklaces (thrift), boots (Madden Girl via 6pm.com)

Putting this outfit together was one was as simple as walking into my closet, looking at my leggings folded on the shelf, then scanning my folded sweaters and Voila! An outfit was born. Side note-we've been working on our closet room as our previous set up was not working to the room's full potential.

I hope everyone enjoy's their day and I always appreciate you visiting my little piece of the internet!


  1. OOOOOOO, I like your coordinating Halloween jumper and leggings, very kitch.

  2. Matchy matchy catsy catsy! ;) I love your eye makeup!

  3. Omg this is one of my favorite sweaters of yours.

  4. hehe <3 Love to see all these Halloween cats together! :D

  5. I love that cat design :) It's a very cute look!

    Aim for Fabulous

  6. Great outfit - so many kitties could have easily looked messy but you make it work :-)


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