Oh naming blog posts, how you can be daunting as times when you are not feeling creative. BUT, there is a tulle skirt (above), some foam and some fun home decor featured in this blog! It may not tie all together, but it's what I have been up to as of late. Hehe.
Derek helped me with cutting the foam for the settee (as see in this blog) and he used a bread knife! Thank you Youtube for your help, it's most appreciated. I wanted to take more photos to show the process, but I was covered in glue and fabric. We choose a tricky shaped cushion for our first refoaming project, but as you can see in the 2nd photo we were successful AND it felt great throwing out the old musty cushion. Yay!
A few other fun things added to our decor included; giving Mortimer (our skeleton) his own fez, getting this cute coffin clock (from Amazon) and adding a glow-in-the-dark skeleton to our front door wreath. I guess you can say that this week is skeleton week at This Old Goth Haus.
Onward and upward to the next home project, they always keep us busy.
Thank you for reading, until next time!